Category Archives: Stories

Larry Degan

“I was diagnosed with stage III advanced prostate cancer.  I was treated with surgery, radiation, and ADT treatment at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.  Care Partners helped with travel & lodging expenses during my * weeks of radiation.” Larry D. Gilbert, MN

Lynell Yancey

I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2017.  I have had chemotherapy on & off since then.  When our friend told us there was help through Care Partners it was a blessing not to worry about some associated costs.  I am currently back having chemo & travel to Virginia from Tower on average 8 times…

Arthur & Sharon Ratai

Sharon was diagnosed with breast cancer & her husband, Arthur, was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Care Partners helped us with travel & lodging costs to the many doctor appointments.  Care Partners helps alleviate the financial burden and stress.  We felt comforted just knowing there is someone out there willing to help us. Arthur & Sharon…

Shirley Nicholas

My story began in 2003 when they found a tumor inside my spinal cord.  They made three laminectomies to access the cord and remove the tumor.  This is a tricky procedure as they are inside the spinal cord and you then lay flat for about two days to let the spinal fluid build up again. …

Rangers Helping Rangers
Rangers Helping Rangers

Iron Rangers are well-known for stepping up when their friends need help. When you donate to Care Partners, your dollars stay in the community.

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